Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Time Is A Silent Speed Demon

Time.. Don't you catch yourself getting lost in the constant stream of busyness? And just when you realize what is happening you are slammed to the present with a sense of longing for the past... You are left with a case of whiplash that stings with the regret of things you did not do..Why is it that time is so slippery? Just when you think you are getting a hold of things.. You think you can stay in the moment, stay focused on the important things, make your Time last longer.. But no one can pin Time down.. Time is a shadow.. A faint impression of things that have already come and gone.. You have to trick Time into giving you the most out of life! Always stay one step ahead so you don't get left behind... Plan for the future so that when it comes you are ready to leap!

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