Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another Try

*So.. I tried to do this whole blogging thing once before... and it really didn't work out so swell.. but.. I've decided to give in to the plea of many and give it another try.. So today I found out that I am being let go from Sprinkler World... It was kind of a shock, but at the same time I expected it... With the new salon that i'm working at i can't be at SW the days that they really need me there... it kinda hurt, but it was also kinda exciting and a big relief.. I really need to focus on being the best hair stylist that i can be.. it will be much better for me to not have to juggle two jobs and try to keep my home together and accomplish everything else that i need to do from day to day..
*I guess the thing that had gotten me down about blogging before is.. i never know what to blog about... haha.. so.. what is it that you all want to hear? I guess i could tell you all about my fascinating and extremely vivid dreams.. hahaha.. ya this will be entertaining for sure..
so last night i'm snuggled up to steve with my head on his chest and right after we get comfortable.. i'm all of the sudden on the back of a vespa down on center street in provo.. it's a wonderful summer day, the breeze is perfect, and i'm holding onto my man.. as we drive by this beautiful flower garden, i reach my hand down and brush my fingertips along the tops of the flowers.. as i swing my hand back up, i look down at it and their is a gigantic triantula on my wrist!!!! My heart drops to my stomache and i jolt awake!
*hahaha.. oh my gosh i had a serious heart attack!!! haha.. steve felt me move as i was dreaming and then i almost knocked him out as i jolted awake!! he said i had only been asleep for like 6 seconds... i didn't even realize that i had fallen asleep.. oh man it was crazy!
*Alright, so then i woke up this morning after dreaming that my fam and i were down in jamaica for the olympics and there was an end-of-the-world earthquake and the earth was crumbling apart and we had to run and jump across ten foot crevices and then we all met up at this elementary school because that was the only safe place.. and yeah.. the jamaican bobsled team was there with us too.. haha.. anywho.. hope you enjoy my first real post.. check ya later!


  1. OH my Ju! I love the dreams! hahaha a couple nights ago I woke up and shook chase awake and said, "CHASE YOU ARE HAVING A SEIZURE"...he just looked at me all weird and said nope I'm not I was peacefully asleep. Ya so for some reason I dreamt he was having a seizure.
